Thursday, October 23, 2008

Completely ground down

In the past I've always felt rather guilty about locking the cats in the kitchen overnight so in the past few weeks in the new address I've let them roam free round the flat at night.

No more. I'm so tired from constantly being woken up, either by the splat of paw on carpet underlay or the hammering on my bedroom door or the general conversational wailing as they potter around that I can't take any more. Like the cats, I now spend most of my day dozing on the sofa and that's no way to earn the money to buy the cat food.

Does anyone here actually have a cat that sleeps at night, on their bed or is that just an urban myth?


Blogger Moominmama said...

Before she died, Noelle used to wait for me every evening as I got ready for bed. She would sit on the corner of my bed under the beam of my reading lamp (she always sat underneath lamps; poor thing was so old and tiny she just couldn't keep any body heat in) while I brushed my teeth etc. and curl up and purr when I climbed into bed. She would stay there until I'd fallen asleep and then go about her nightly business, which generally consisted of
a. Moving to the opposite corner of the bed and sleeping (i had to learn not to accidently kick her in my sleep)
b. moving to the carpet outside my door and keeping guard, or
c. padding gently around my room (which didn't bother me), occassionally using my closet door as a scratching post (which annoyed the piss out of me). (But that only happened once a fortnight or so.)

I miss her. Pirate has promised me a cat for my birthday after Christmas.

3:06 AM  
Blogger GreatSheElephant said...

In the end, I'm still letting them do their thing at night and I seem to be sleeping a bit better. It'll be less of a problem when the carpet is down.

Good news about getting a cat.

12:39 PM  

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