Trail of destruction: a work in progress
1 large porcelain cow
a stack of CDs
just one tile, which nonetheless renders an entire kitchen floor worthless (Rosa writes: you're lying. You did that.)
a lovely pink bow
a double sheet (Rosa writes: collateral damage - I was trying to get at what was under it)
the sleeve of a sheepskin jacket
many cat toys (average lifespan two hours)
the left ear of a pink pig toy
one Moleskine notebook
nothing but newspapers, honest
A collaborative piece:
7 out of a set of 8 Georgian dining chairs (Mits explains: we felt that leaving one chair untouched added to the power of the work. We reserve the right to review that decision at any point in the future)
1 large porcelain cow
a stack of CDs
just one tile, which nonetheless renders an entire kitchen floor worthless (Rosa writes: you're lying. You did that.)
a lovely pink bow
a double sheet (Rosa writes: collateral damage - I was trying to get at what was under it)
the sleeve of a sheepskin jacket
many cat toys (average lifespan two hours)
the left ear of a pink pig toy
one Moleskine notebook
nothing but newspapers, honest
A collaborative piece:
7 out of a set of 8 Georgian dining chairs (Mits explains: we felt that leaving one chair untouched added to the power of the work. We reserve the right to review that decision at any point in the future)